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Our Troop

Troop 291 is a Boy Scout Troop located in Gaithersburg, MD dedicated to teaching young men leadership, service and outdoor principles. We have over 30 registered scouts and meet on Monday evenings at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School.  We strive to have a “boy run" troop, with adult volunteers serving as advisers.

Each month, our troop offers scouts an adventure such as service projects, camping, hiking, biking, canoeing, whitewater rafting, skiing, and backpacking. A highlight of each summer is a week long summer camp as well as high adventure bases like Philmont, Northern Tier or Sea Base.

We were founded over 30 years ago and since that time more than 140 young men in the troop have become Eagle Scouts.  Troop 291 is sponsored by American Legion Post 295 , in the Seneca District within the National Area Council of BSA.  We have a close partnership with Fairhaven United Methodist Church to use their facilities.

How to Join

Click here to learn about joining our troop.

Contact Us

Have a question about our troop?   Email committeechair@bsa-ncac-troop291.org and we will be happy to help.   

Other Units

Troop 291 often interacts with other scouting units in the area:


Read about our troop's history here.